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Page 395

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So Braeger is basically a big Altavian bull in a bantarian china shop. (He’s trying so hard, poor muffin)

Star! Star! Star!  42% of my first Patreon goal is funded!Star! Star! Star!

As well as reading ahead, the more support it gets, the quicker pages will come out, as well as other treats such as exclusively being able to read Nyx online when it starts. The existing reward tiers will also increase in value reward wise as I hit each stretch goal! You can get access to the pages of Crankrats for as little as $1 a month, and if everyone who reads this comic were to pledge just $1 a month, Crankrats would become a full time job!

So much love to the people who are donating already! This comic is possible because of you, and you’re a really important part of it!!

Please consider becoming a Patron of Crankrats, we are on the first of many, many arcs and I want to keep you entertained for plenty of years to come!

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